Mrs. Sigler’s English class is engaged in a multi-part project based on the nonfiction text the students have been reading, Written in Bone. The project is designed to allow students to meet multiple language arts objectives covering the skills of reading, writing, speaking, and listening. Students have worked in twos or threes to create a mini-lesson on an assigned section of the text that includes handouts for their classmates with key questions on their topic and a slideshow presentation covering the answers to those questions. As students are presenting their mini-lesson, classmates are finding the answers to the questions and using active listening skills to prepare a critique focusing on grammar, design, content, and the speakers’ presentation skills, such as eye contact, volume, and body language. A class discussion of these critiques is shared in a positive and objective manner with the goal of identifying each students’ strengths as well as areas for future improvement.

Written in Bone
November 12, 2021