On Tuesday, October 26, there will be a school-wide parent meeting in the cafeteria at Haleyville Middle School. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss a variety of topics that will help enhance our students here at HMS. Food will be provided! The speakers and topics are listed below.
Judge Mike Newell will be the keynote speaker. Judge Newell will be speaking to everyone about truancy and the importance of regular attendance.
Breakout Session #1--Mrs. Fetter - Title Programs
Breakout Session #2--Mrs. Aldridge - New Math Standards
Breakout Session #3--Mrs. Meagan Vickery and Coach Hulsey - Middle school students' stress/anxiety and the importance of coping skills. Mental Health info for middle school parents.
Breakout Session #4 --Mr. Wilcoxson- Code of conduct ( Cellphones and Juuls).