Happy Counselor's Day
Happy Counselor's Day
Happy Counselor's Day
Happy Counselor's Day
Happy Counselor's Day
Happy Counselor's Day
Happy Counselor's Day!
HCS students will not be in school on Friday due to a Professional Development Day for the teachers and staff in the district. #OnAMission #HomeOfChampions
Come support our basketball teams Monday as they play in the area tournament! Roar Lions!
Congratulations to these two second grade students. They are the recipients of HCS Serve with Pride Award.
Join the HCS Special Education Department as we host Transition and Beyond! This parent training offers access to information and resources to ensure your child has the tools, skills, and supports NOW and post graduation.
Celebrating 100 days of school at HES! 80 more to go! A lot of work left to do!
Just a reminder- Haleyville City Schools will be operating on a 2 hour delay on Wednesday, January 22nd. This will allow us time to ensure all buses are running and buildings are adequately heated. Student safety is our top priority. Please share. #OnAMission #HomeOfChampions
SPECIAL EDUCATION TRANSITION-PLANNING FOR A FULL LIFE- The Alabama Parent Education Center is offering a virtual training Jan 23rd at 5:30 pm. Register at the following link for the Zoom training session. Parent stipends are available through APEC. https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/piME9DmCQF2HFsIW3PEHOg#/registration
Join the HCS Special Education Department as we host Transition and Beyond! This parent training offers access to information and resources to ensure your child has the tools, skills, and supports NOW and post graduation.
parent training
Join our special education staff for a parent training session with our Speech Language Pathologists, Ms. Lauren Allen and Ms. Rachel Bailey!
Haleyville City Schools will be operating on a 2 hour delay on Tuesday and Wednesday, January 21st and 22nd. This will allow us time to ensure all buses are running and buildings are adequately heated. Student safety is our top priority. Please share. #OnAMission #HomeOfChampions
We are watching the weather for next Tuesday. At this point, it seems that the highest potential for heavy winter precipitation is south of us. That does not mean we will not have some impacts. We will notify everyone as soon as possible if there is a change to our schedules. Student safety if our top priority. #OnAMission #HomeOfChampions
Registration is open for Haleyville Elementary's First Class PK for the 2025-2026 year. If your child will be 4 years old on or before Sept 1 and is eligible for enrollment in HCS, you may register your child now through Mar 12. Only students registered will be in the drawing. Those currently on the waitlist must still register online. Students will be randomly drawn on Mar 13 for the fall class. Contact Christy Bice at 205-486-9231 if you have any questions. Follow the link to register your child today!
Congratulations to these two students. Brody won HES' Spelling B and Alexandria was runner up!